Archives for January 3, 2022

Last Leg of a Weekend Trip to Alberta, Canada

The Queen and I are presently in Minneapolis hoping to arrive home shortly after midnight. We are on the last leg of a weekend trip to Alberta, Canada, where I was privileged to preach five times (New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day, and the first Lord’s Day of the year): once in a rented building for a few hundred people in Picture Butte, who are starting a church plant (I was flanked by elk trophy mounts—photo 1, but the Lord was present!); once for the Trinity URC of Lethbridge to about 450 people (photo 2); and three times at Bethel Free Reformed Church in Monarch to several hundred attendees. I felt helped throughout this rather intense schedule.

We also enjoyed our time with our gracious hosts, Clarence and Johanna Arnoldussen (photo 3), as well as meeting many friends old and new. Our only regret was not having time to visit with several friends due to lack of time. The Lord was good to us, however, throughout this trip.

Every blessing to you and your loved ones in Immanuel for 2022! May Christ Jesus increasingly become your all-in all throughout this year.