It’s hard for me to put into words how excited I am about the two books I am holding here, both of which are new titles that arrived today, printed by Reformation Heritage Books.
For many years, I have wanted to reprint Hugh Binning’s “Works.” Binning was a 17th-century Scotsman who pastored in Glasgow. He died at the age of 26 from tuberculosis, but what a burning and shining light he was as a young minister! His 40 sermons on Romans 8:1-15 and his 28 sermons on fellowship with God from 1 John 1:1—2:3 are worth their weight in gold. Here is biblical, doctrinal, experiential, and practical preaching at its best. This book is a feast for the mind and the soul.
The second book, “A Discovery of Glorious Love,” is by John Durant (1620-1689), a popular Puritan preacher in England whose writings masterfully blend good theology and warm piety. This is the first time that this heart-warming book has been set in modern typeface and reprinted since the 17th century! It beautifully unpacks Christ’s transcendent love to believers, and stresses that His love is our strongest comfort in times of affliction.