Yesterday was an intense and packed but good, concluding day for The Foundations Conference here in Greenville, South Carolina. Topics and speakers throughout the day included: Reasoning from the Scriptures (Todd Friel), Restoring the Family Altar (me), A Prayer Meeting with Jesus (Armen Thomassian), Not Many Mighty (Clarence Sexton), and The Mandate of Expository Preaching (Steve Lawson)(photo 1, conference speakers from left to right: Friel, Lawson, Sexton, Pettit, Vaughan, me, Thomassian). Between the sessions we had numerous encouraging conversations with a variety of people and sold numerous books.

In the evening, the conference organizer, Steven Lee of sermonaudio.com, organized a beautiful meal and time of fellowship for the speakers and their spouses and his sermon audio staff—about forty people in all (photo 2). The Queen and I enjoyed fellowshipping with Steven Lawson, Steve Pettit, and Clarence Sexton—and I was able to get a bit of treasured time with a beautiful, smiley baby (photo 3)—which made my heart long for our grandchildren!

About 10% of the conference attendees (40 of the 400) belong to the United Prayer group (photo 4) that Steven Lee hosts every day over Zoom. They pray earnestly for God’s kingdom to come through Spirit-worked revival, reformation, and renewal all around the world—and they themselves come from far and near. It is a beautiful ministry of prayer.

Tomorrow I hope to preach for two pastor friends in Greenville. In the morning, I hope to speak twice for Rev. Armen Thomassian at Faith Free Presbyterian Church—a Sunday school message followed by preaching at their morning worship service. In the afternoon, I hope to preach for Rev. Rob McCurley from the Free Church of Scotland (Continuing) church. Pray for Spirit’s indispensable blessing please.