Archives for December 2021

Year End Gift

I just had a wonderful time giving about 50 copies of volume 3 of “Reformed Systematic Theology: The Spirit and Salvation” by Paul Smalley and me to all of our faculty and staff at PRTS and all our employees at RHB as a year end gift. While at RHB, I couldn’t help notice that the closest order to me that was waiting to be packed up was from a friend who ordered 25 copies of my wife Mary’s new book, “Teach Them to Work: Building a Positive Work Ethic in Our Children”—to be sent to numerous friends spread throughout several states. I quickly snapped this picture to encourage my Queen!

Nancy VanRee

Today I officiated the funeral of Nancy VanRee who passed away at the age of 65 from COVID complications. I preached in the church from Hebrews 9:27-28 and at graveside from Isaiah 49:13-15.

Nancy’s twin sister, Laurie, died from similar causes just three months ago. That death left Nancy heartbroken, but also drew her closer to the Lord. The family also lost their brother Dan VanRee, chairman of our deacons, just twenty months ago. Providentially, all three of these siblings died at the rather young age of 65. In addition, one of their younger brothers, Tim, who lived in Florida, also passed away last year. Thus, they lost four of nine siblings in less than two years.

This dear family has been the recipient of many prayers! The mother of these nine children, who passed away several years ago, had a rather anxious disposition—but happily her worries drove her to the throne of grace. She was a true prayer warrior for them. She used to call me every day—yes, literally every day—burdened for the souls and salvation of her nine children. Each day I would pray for her and these children. After prayer, she would always say: “Thank you so much. Now I feel better and calmer.”

Please pray for the mourning children and grandchildren of the VanRee family, and pray that God would continue to answer all the prayers that’s have been offered for them.   

Faith Free Presbyterian Church in Greenville, South Carolina

We felt blessed in Greenville, South Carolina yesterday. I spoke twice in the morning for Faith Free Presbyterian Church—first on Christ’s inseparable love and on the first advent promise applied; and then preached on God’s stupendous covenant love for His people in the afternoon at the Greenville Presbyterian Church (FCSC), pastored by Rev. Rob McCurley (photo). In the evening, we attended Faith Free again to hear Rev. Armen Thomassian preach on Isaiah 9:6. We had good fellowship over meals at each church with friends old and new, and had a wonderful time staying with the Thomassian family throughout our trip. By God’s grace, we are home safely now.

The Foundations Conference here in Greenville, South Carolina

Yesterday was an intense and packed but good, concluding day for The Foundations Conference here in Greenville, South Carolina. Topics and speakers throughout the day included: Reasoning from the Scriptures (Todd Friel), Restoring the Family Altar (me), A Prayer Meeting with Jesus (Armen Thomassian), Not Many Mighty (Clarence Sexton), and The Mandate of Expository Preaching (Steve Lawson)(photo 1, conference speakers from left to right: Friel, Lawson, Sexton, Pettit, Vaughan, me, Thomassian). Between the sessions we had numerous encouraging conversations with a variety of people and sold numerous books.

In the evening, the conference organizer, Steven Lee of, organized a beautiful meal and time of fellowship for the speakers and their spouses and his sermon audio staff—about forty people in all (photo 2). The Queen and I enjoyed fellowshipping with Steven Lawson, Steve Pettit, and Clarence Sexton—and I was able to get a bit of treasured time with a beautiful, smiley baby (photo 3)—which made my heart long for our grandchildren!

About 10% of the conference attendees (40 of the 400) belong to the United Prayer group (photo 4) that Steven Lee hosts every day over Zoom. They pray earnestly for God’s kingdom to come through Spirit-worked revival, reformation, and renewal all around the world—and they themselves come from far and near. It is a beautiful ministry of prayer.   

Tomorrow I hope to preach for two pastor friends in Greenville. In the morning, I hope to speak twice for Rev. Armen Thomassian at Faith Free Presbyterian Church—a Sunday school message followed by preaching at their morning worship service. In the afternoon, I hope to preach for Rev. Rob McCurley from the Free Church of Scotland (Continuing) church. Pray for Spirit’s indispensable blessing please.

Wisdom for Life: 52 Old Testament Meditations by Dr. Michael Barrett

I am privileged to report that my esteemed colleague Dr. Michael Barrett’s informative and very readable new book, “Wisdom for Life: 52 Old Testament Meditations,” has just been released by Reformation Heritage Books (257 pages). Whenever my brother Michael writes anything on the OT, I always learn something. This is a great book for every Christian to read—you too will be educated and edified.

Get your copy here:

4th Annual Foundations Conference in Greenville, South Carolina

We are in Greenville, South Carolina for the 4th annual Foundations Conference, organized by Sermon Audio, under the direction of Steven Lee. There are 400+ attendees from quite a variety of backgrounds. Today I spoke on “Christ’s Prayer for the Church’s Unity,” focusing on the teaching of Anthony Burgess on John 17. Other speakers were: Steve Lawson on “The Devotional Life of David Brainerd,” John Vaughn on “The Word in Conversation,” and Clarence Sexton on “The Power of the Pulpit to Shape a Nation.”

We enjoyed a meal and fellowship with our good friend Steve Lawson (photo #1), friends from Grand Rapids who are part of a daily zoom prayer meeting called United Prayer (photo #2), and some new friends who asked for examples of essentials and non-essentials of the faith (photo #3).

These young men were exuberant about their faith. One of them left behind a life of addiction. He had stayed up the whole previous night praying for this conference.

Please pray for the four sessions scheduled for tomorrow as well.

Foundations Conference in Greenville, South Carolina

Today I received a copy of my book, “Contagious Christian Living,” in the Punjabi (Gurmikhi) language, which is one of the most widely spoken Indo-Aryan languages. If is also the official language of the Indian state of Punjab and is one of the languages recognized by the Indian constitution. Pray that God will bless it to many.

Mary and I are now leaving for Greenville, South Carolina, where I am to speak tomorrow and Friday for the Foundations Conference organized by Steven Lee on “Restoring the Family Altar” and “Christ’s Prayer for the Church’s Unity.” On the Lord’s Day, I hope to speak for the Faith Free Presbyterian Church in the morning and for the Free Church of Scotland (Continuing) in the afternoon. Your prayers are coveted.

Weekly Sermon Quote – December 12, 2021

“Developing Healthy Spiritual Growth: Knowledge, Practice, and Experience” Now in Tamil

My book, “Developing Healthy Spiritual Growth: Knowledge, Practice, and Experience” (EP) has just become available in the Tamil language. In the photo above it is being held by the Free Church of Scotland (Continuing) missionary pastor to Sri Lanka. Pray for God’s blessing upon it please.

How Should We Consider Christ in Affliction?

Many thanks for all your kind birthday wishes today. God is good to unworthy sinners. When going through deep afflictions decades ago, I wrote a long letter to myself about how I should cling to Christ in a variety of ways while in the midst of trial. Later on, I tweaked this letter (without changing much content) to make true believers its recipients. Over time, I emailed its contents to hundreds of children of God—one by one—while in various afflictions. Responses that I received finally prompted me to publish it as a booklet, “How Should We Consider Christ in Affliction?,” but it has been out of print for a while. I am grateful that RHB has brought it back into print and that it arrived today. Pray that the Holy Spirit will minister effectively through it to bring many children of God who are walking through fire and water out into a wealthy place (Ps. 66:12).