4th Annual Foundations Conference in Greenville, South Carolina

We are in Greenville, South Carolina for the 4th annual Foundations Conference, organized by Sermon Audio, under the direction of Steven Lee. There are 400+ attendees from quite a variety of backgrounds. Today I spoke on “Christ’s Prayer for the Church’s Unity,” focusing on the teaching of Anthony Burgess on John 17. Other speakers were: Steve Lawson on “The Devotional Life of David Brainerd,” John Vaughn on “The Word in Conversation,” and Clarence Sexton on “The Power of the Pulpit to Shape a Nation.”

We enjoyed a meal and fellowship with our good friend Steve Lawson (photo #1), friends from Grand Rapids who are part of a daily zoom prayer meeting called United Prayer (photo #2), and some new friends who asked for examples of essentials and non-essentials of the faith (photo #3).

These young men were exuberant about their faith. One of them left behind a life of addiction. He had stayed up the whole previous night praying for this conference.

Please pray for the four sessions scheduled for tomorrow as well.

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