We are in Greenville, South Carolina for the 4th annual Foundations Conference, organized by Sermon Audio, under the direction of Steven Lee. There are 400+ attendees from quite a variety of backgrounds. Today I spoke on “Christ’s Prayer for the Church’s Unity,” focusing on the teaching of Anthony Burgess on John 17. Other speakers were: Steve Lawson on “The Devotional Life of David Brainerd,” John Vaughn on “The Word in Conversation,” and Clarence Sexton on “The Power of the Pulpit to Shape a Nation.”

We enjoyed a meal and fellowship with our good friend Steve Lawson (photo #1), friends from Grand Rapids who are part of a daily zoom prayer meeting called United Prayer (photo #2), and some new friends who asked for examples of essentials and non-essentials of the faith (photo #3).

These young men were exuberant about their faith. One of them left behind a life of addiction. He had stayed up the whole previous night praying for this conference.
Please pray for the four sessions scheduled for tomorrow as well.