Archives for December 9, 2021

How Should We Consider Christ in Affliction?

Many thanks for all your kind birthday wishes today. God is good to unworthy sinners. When going through deep afflictions decades ago, I wrote a long letter to myself about how I should cling to Christ in a variety of ways while in the midst of trial. Later on, I tweaked this letter (without changing much content) to make true believers its recipients. Over time, I emailed its contents to hundreds of children of God—one by one—while in various afflictions. Responses that I received finally prompted me to publish it as a booklet, “How Should We Consider Christ in Affliction?,” but it has been out of print for a while. I am grateful that RHB has brought it back into print and that it arrived today. Pray that the Holy Spirit will minister effectively through it to bring many children of God who are walking through fire and water out into a wealthy place (Ps. 66:12).

Out of the Mouth of [Children]

This morning two dozen pre-K students put on a program at our Christian school of singing and quoting Scripture verses related to Christ’s coming in the flesh for their parents and grandparents. It was beautiful. It was moving. And it was humbling. “Out of the mouth of [children] has thou ordained strength” (Ps. 8:2)!