Archives for December 8, 2021

God To Us

I am excited to announce that Dr. Stephen Myer’s (PRTS professor) long-awaited book on covenant theology has been released by RHB (357 pages). It is a sterling blend of thoroughly sound and Reformed exegetical, biblical, historical, systematic, and experiential theology presented in both an academic and popular way, such that I believe it is the best basic book on the subject that I have ever read. This is a must read on a critical subject! Highly recommended!

My Son Calvin

Had a great time with my son Calvin today visiting his offices, fellowshipping over lunch, and giving him a tour of the new RHB store and warehouse. Here he is standing in front of the building he is renovating for new offices for his business of rental properties, renovating houses, real estate, etc. What joy our children give us when they walk in God’s ways and pursue constructive ventures. God is good!