Answered Prayers!

God has heard all of our prayers and done exceedingly, abundantly above all that we have asked and even thought (Eph. 3:20). Both liver surgeries—for our nephew Jason and his mother Nellie—went even better than the doctors had hoped for!

Jason’s surgery was over by late afternoon. He woke up singing God’s praises and asked his wife Hannah to read Psalm 138! The doctor said that his liver was big and beautiful! His mother’s surgery was over before midnight. The 2/3 liver she received from her son is bigger than her own liver—which should help reduce post-surgery complications going forward!

Hannah just wrote us this amazingly good news:   

Jason and Mom both did VERY well. Jason lost almost no blood and his pain level is low. Mom’s breathing tube is already out! Most recipient patients aren’t stable enough to take theirs out until a day or two after, but Mom was well enough in recovery to have this done. Jason got up and walked over to see Mom this morning. He gets tired very quickly, but other than that, they are amazed at how well he’s doing and he’ll most likely move out of ICU today and onto the transplant floor. Mom’s blood labs, which have been way out of normal levels for years are already stabilizing with Jason’s liver and it’s pretty incredible to see.

God is amazing! Continue to pray for the full recovery of both mother and son please even as you praise the Lord for what He has done so far.

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