Archives for November 26, 2021

Pray for the Church in Brazil

Mary and I had a wonderful time of fellowship over a pizza dinner with seven of our Brazilian students—all of them warm, godly, caring men called to the Lord’s work. For 1.5 hours they asked us a variety of questions about personal spiritual life, family life, ministerial life, and church life. It was time well spent. Please pray for the Presbyterian church in Brazil.


I hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving Day. One of our theological students, Joihn Byl, preached an excellent Thanksgiving Day sermon on Psalm 136 in our church in the morning, and then we hosted about 20 folk—a mixture of family, friends, and theological students—a few of whom had recently born babies that we wanted to see! It was a blessed time, and the Queen’s cooking was superlative. May God graciously help us to turn our “thanksgiving” into “thanksliving” every day, as Matthew Henry advised!