Archives for November 22, 2021

Redeemer Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Kansas City

We had a wonderful weekend with the church family of the Redeemer Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Kansas City. On Saturday evening, the assistant pastor, Nathan Currey and his wife Janey, as well as the youth director, Phil Taylor and his wife Emily, took us out for a delightful time of fellowship at Jack Stack BBQ.

On the Lord’s Day, I preached three times for the Redeemer church in their beautiful building (photo 1)—the same sermon twice in the morning to a few hundred people at each service (photo 2), and then again in the evening for a larger audience attended by the Kansas City Alliance of Reformed Churches (KCARC), which consists of six churches that gather for evening worship together about once a year (3 PCA churches, and one church each from the RPCNA, URC, and RCUS).

The senior pastor, Tony Felich and his wife Shari (photo 3), couldn’t have been more hospitable to us. We also enjoyed an afternoon meal at their home with their three sons and daughter (photo 4). After the evening service, I thoroughly enjoyed speaking with some of the ministers from the visiting churches, as well as meeting a brother who has translated one of my books into the Urdu language and is working on several more, and visiting with Bob Reymond, son of the well-known theological professor, Robert Reymond. This morning we had an excellent time over breakfast with one of our alumni, Michael DeWalt, who now works for Ligonier Ministries, before getting on the plane for home.