Archives for November 20, 2021

The Spurgeon Library

Today the Queen and I flew to Kansas City as I am scheduled to preach tomorrow for Tony Felich at Redeemer PCA here. We were picked up at the airport by Phil Taylor, the church’s associate pastor of the youth, who took us for a nostalgic 1.5 hour visit to the beautiful Spurgeon Library, home to 6000 books that formed about half of C.H. Spurgeon’ s library. Our tour guide there was Dr. Geoff Chang, who is curator of the library and church historian for the surrounding Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

In photo 1 above, I am standing in Spurgeon’s pulpit of the first church he preached for as a teenager (Waterbeach).

In photo 2, I am standing before a large oil painting of Spurgeon masterfully done by Don Whitney’s wife, Caffy, who has also done oil painting work for some of our book covers.

In photo 3, Mary and I are in front of another oil painting of Spurgeon and his dear wife Susanna.

In photo 4, the curator is giving me a wonderful gift of volume 5 of Spurgeon’s “Lost Sermons.”

And in the last photo, you can see the best section of Spurgeon’s library—his collection of Puritan writings!