Archives for November 17, 2021

Prayer Urgently Needed!

Our nephew Jason and his mother Nellie (photo 1) are both undergoing serious surgery in Madison, Wisconsin right now. Jason (photo 2, with his wife Hannah) went into surgery at 8:30 this morning. The surgery, which involves removing 2/3 of his liver and perhaps his gallbladder, is expected to last about 8 hours. His mother Nellie (married to Mike, pastor in the HRC at Plymouth, Wisconsin), who has suffered from a poorly functioning liver for many years, entered a 10-16 hour surgery at 10:30 this morning, which involves replacing her liver with Jason’s and recreating bile ducts from parts of her intestines.

If all goes well, both will spend a day or two in ICU, and then go to the regular transaction floor for about five days for Jason and up to 2 weeks for his mother. Thanks in advance for your prayers!