Archives for November 4, 2021

Puritan Documentary Now Available in Portuguese

Exciting news:

The Puritan Documentary package, which consists of a 2-hour video, 35 lessons on the Puritans, a workbook on those lessons, and an introductory volume on the Puritans by Dr. Michael Reeves and me, is now all available in Portuguese!

The first two items (the video and lessons) you can purchase on-line at: and the last two items (the two books I’m holding) you can purchase at: and

Pray with me that God will bless this introductory course on the Puritans not only to correct the caricatures that many have of the Puritans but also to help many people understand their zeal for God’s glory and the eternal welfare of never-dying souls so that we may follow them insofar as they followed Christ.

Exploring Puritan Theology for Life and the Church: An Evening with Joel Beeke

You are welcome to join me tomorrow, Friday, November 5, 2021 from 9:00 am – 11:00 am ET (9:00 pm – 11:00 pm Philippine Standard Time) as I am interviewed by some friends in the Philippines on the theology of the Puritans and how it relates to us today.

Streaming link:

Three New Books in Portuguese

While in Brazil a few days ago, I was presented with three new books in Portuguese that I edited: “A Beleza e a Gloria do Pai” (“The Beauty and Glory of the Father”); “A Beleza e a Gloria de Christo” (“The Beauty and Glory of Christ”); “A Beleza e a Gloria do Pai” (“The Beauty and Glory of the Father”). They consist of helpful addresses given at our Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary conferences three years in a row. If you read Portuguese and truly want to get to know God better, I highly recommend that you obtain and read these books prayerfully. You can get them from the publisher Editora Cultura Crista at

Inspired Exibit in Muskegon, Michigan

Yesterday evening I gave an address on “The Puritans and the Bible: Their Preaching and Evangelism” for a group of people that were attending the Inspired Exhibit in Muskegon, Michigan, which offers numerous artifacts, manuscripts, scrolls, and rare Bibles that tell the compelling story of the Bible’s writing and preservation and why it matters.

After I spoke, Dr. Scott Carroll, Director of the Inspired Exhibit, gave us a very informative and fascinating one-hour tour of the exhibit. The tour far exceeded my expectations. Most impressive was a fragment of Psalm 23, the original of which dates back to 200 A.D. (photo #1), a scroll of Isaiah (photo #2), and a rare Torah done in Spain during the Spanish Inquisition (photo #3).

At the end of the tour, a gentleman who made an imitation of the Gutenberg Press, gave us a fascinating presentation of it, and helped Mary print a copy of 1 Samuel 25 on the press (photo #4). The exhibit concludes tomorrow at Maranatha Bible & Missionary Conference, 4759 Lake Harbor Dr., Muskegon, MI 49441, and is well worth it.