Exciting news:
The Puritan Documentary package, which consists of a 2-hour video, 35 lessons on the Puritans, a workbook on those lessons, and an introductory volume on the Puritans by Dr. Michael Reeves and me, is now all available in Portuguese!
The first two items (the video and lessons) you can purchase on-line at: https://academiadefesadoevangelho.com.br/puritanos/ and the last two items (the two books I’m holding) you can purchase at: https://www.livrariadefesadoevangelho.com.br/produto/livro-puritanos-licoes-sobre-o-puritanismo.html and https://www.livrariadefesadoevangelho.com.br/livro-puritanos-toda-a-vida-para-a-gloria-de-deus.
Pray with me that God will bless this introductory course on the Puritans not only to correct the caricatures that many have of the Puritans but also to help many people understand their zeal for God’s glory and the eternal welfare of never-dying souls so that we may follow them insofar as they followed Christ.