The Works of Thomas Goodwin

As a teenager, God used Thomas Goodwin’s writings more than anyone else’s to bring me to liberty in Christ, and to grow me in Christ. I wept often as I read his “Christ the Mediator” at the richness and fullness of my Savior and Lord. Already then I dreamt of one day publishing Goodwin’s entire Works of 12 volumes in a beautiful hardcover edition. Half a century later that dream finally became reality today as I just received a few hours ago this handsome set of books newly published by Reformation Heritage Books. I am excited, moved, and humbled by and about this publication.

In my 23-page introduction in volume 1 of this set of Goodwin I provide you with a reading plan for the twelve volumes, suggesting that you begin with some of his smaller and more practical works (such as “Patience,” “A Child of Light walking in Darkness,” and “The Vanity of Thoughts”), then moving on to his more classic works that explain major doctrines of the faith (such as “Man’s Guiltiness Before God,” “Justifying Faith,” and “Christ the Mediator”), and finally, reading his 900-page masterful exposition of Ephesians 1 and 2.

Read Goodwin slowly, meditatively, and prayerfully, and you will reap spiritual dividends far beyond what you can imagine. You will understand as you read why Goodwin has been my favorite Puritan author for most of my life.

What better year-end gift could you give a God-fearing spouse, child, parent, or good friend than the Works of Thomas Goodwin? You can order it here:

May God bless this angel’s food in abundance to grow you in soul, in mind, and in life.

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