Today was incredibly full and rich for us in touring Greece. This morning we drove three hours by bus with our tour group of 39 from Thessalonika to Philippi, named for its founder Philip II, the father of Alexander the Great.
Highlights of the day included:
(1) seeing the place where Lydia was baptized by Paul as Europe’s first convert as the fruit of Paul’s first sermon in Europe (picture #1 of me preaching to our tour group on the history of Lydia’s conversion);

(2) visiting the vast amphitheater in Philippi where various forms of cultural entertainment occurred, probably including the throwing of Christians to lions, which moved us to sing “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” (picture #2, where Jim Beeke spoke on Philippi and the epistle to the Philippians);

(3) seeing the vast archeological remains at Philippi, including the prison where Paul and Silas sang in the inner prison and the Philippian jailor was saved (picture #3, with my brother Jim at the prison entrance, after which I preached on the jailor’s conversion); and

(4) visiting Kavala (ancient Neapolis), the port through which Paul passed with Silas on his way from Asia into Europe (picture #4).
We also sang “Amazing Grace” on the bus and enjoyed wonderful fellowship throughout the day. What a glorious God we serve!