I have two prayer requests:
First, at 11:00 this morning I am leading the funeral service for a sister in Christ, Laurie (Van Ree) Thomas, who died at the age of 65 this week after suffering from a mild heart attack and from COVID and developing additional complications. Please remember especially her dear husband Bill, and her daughters, Rebecca and Melissa, and other mourning family members. Our loss is her gain.
Second, please be in prayer for a dear Christian friend of ours, Joyce Griffiths. She traveled to Mexico City to quarantine for two weeks en route to Grand Rapids. While there, she contracted salmonella poisoning and COVID. She has been very ill for almost three weeks. She stayed in her hotel first. Then the parents-in-law of one of our seminary students graciously took her into their home. This pastoral couple are modern-day good Samaritans! God has also providentially provided others along the way to care for Joyce. Now, after some lab tests, we are learning her kidneys are functioning very poorly. Thankfully, she no longer has COVID. Joyce agreed to go to the hospital last evening, despite being very afraid. We just received word that her diagnosis is typhoid fever and acute kidney failure due to severe dehydration. Please pray for peace and a felt presence of the Savior, and pray that re-hydration will work wonders in restoring Joyce to health and strength.