Today is my Queen’s 62nd birthday. By God’s grace, she is my better ¾, my tender-hearted, God-fearing, help-perfectly-meet for me wife. She packs our days, weeks, and months with love, kindness, understanding, and pleasure. Next to Christ Himself, she is God’s very best gift to me. She is so lovable that loving her becomes an automatic joy that cannot be restrained rather than a duty to be given.
All our friends and our whole church knows Mary models integrity, godliness, and kindness. Her simple, child-like humility of which she is not even aware is a fresh joy all over every day—in the home and among the church family. I thank her often for a peaceful, open relationship, 32+-year argument-free marriage.
Her unflagging support and undying loyalty are beyond words. She is the sunshine of my life in winter’s cold blasts. In her tongue is the law of kindness (Prov. 31). She is far and away my best friend and confidant. I love her more than yesterday and less than tomorrow. And my ministry would be far less effective without her. To this special woman, I wish a truly blessed birthday and many more years with her grateful husband and cherished and loving children and grandchildren.
In the picture below, we are standing on our front porch. An hour ago, during supper, six children rang the doorbell, and presented my dear wife with a candled cake for her birthday. She was touched—deeply!