Back Home from California

Yesterday Mary and I visited four more families in California, and enjoyed each one, before heading back to Grand Rapids today. We just arrived home minutes ago after completing our 11-day trip with three conferences and three days of visits. God is good.

During one of the visits yesterday with a young couple who are expecting their first child, the father of the young woman backed a very long flatbed trailer into their driveway. All that was strapped onto it was a tiny kids’ tractor. He bought it at an auction for a prison ministry the evening before, and thought it would be a good pre-birth gift for his first grandchild! In the picture below, the father is just unstrapping the little tractor while the delighted daughter is in the background, so very grateful for her father’s thoughtfulness. After she got over her surprise, he then followed one serendipitous moment with another by bringing from his cab twelve large roses. It appeared to us that he was as excited to have his first grandchild as his daughter and her husband were to have their first child—which is quite understandable!

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