Having left Forest Home camp near Forest Falls, California after breakfast this morning, we are now on our way to Visalia, California, to visit several friends over the next few days. Our three back-to-back conferences are now history.

We left behind a great group of young adults (picture #1) whom we really enjoyed ministering to with five messages, two interviews, and numerous conversations individually and at mealtimes in recent days. We said many goodbyes to the camp attendees this morning—including these three Westminster California theological students (picture #2).

On Saturday, we also took a scenic hike in the woods near the mountains (picture #3) to Trout Pond, where the reflection of trees in the water was stunningly peaceful and beautiful (picture #4).

Woodpeckers abounded everywhere; they have drilled tens of thousands of holes in trees everywhere (picture #5). Hundreds of the holes were filled with acorns. God’s handiwork in His creatures and in nature is amazing.