Mary and I have been in Nashville the last few days, where I was asked to preach on “Why We Need to Listen to the Puritans on Christ-centered Worship” for the Sing Conference (picture #1). I felt helped in doing so and was encouraged by the response. We, together with Ian Thompson, spent most of our time at our Reformation Heritage Books book table selling a variety of books to hundreds of people ranging from children’s titles as well as books for lay people and academic titles of Reformed experiential persuasion.
Mary and I wrote four new children’s books (ages 4-7) that arrived just in time for this conference. They are on faith, hope, and love to both God and other people. The goal is to show very young children the basics of salvation. We were delighted that our artist for these four books (Cassie) happened to be at the conference as well (picture #2 where the three of us are holding up the new children’s books)! You can order these four books at the links below. Pray that God will bless these efforts and books to many.
The conference was attended by 6,000 people with another 40,000 listening online. Highlights of the conference for us was a humbling interview with Joni Erickson Tada who spoke movingly about suffering for Christ’s sake, and then sang, “On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand” (picture #3); a moving address by our friend, Dr. Conrad Mbewe; and the singing of some of the great classic, Christ-centered hymns. Mary and I were especially touched by the singing of “Sacred Head, Now Wounded.” We also enjoyed spending time with Ligon Duncan (picture #4), Ray and Kathy Pennings, and several other friends, and it was good to speak to some of the book publishers present about future book titles.
I Need to Trust in God – Vol. 1: https://www.heritagebooks.org/products/i-need-to-trust-in-god-god-and-me-series-volume-1-beeke.html
I Need to Hope in God – Vol. 2: https://www.heritagebooks.org/products/i-need-to-hope-in-god-god-and-me-series-volume-2-beeke.html
I Need to Love God – Vol. 3: https://www.heritagebooks.org/products/i-need-to-love-god-god-and-me-series-volume-3-beeke.html
I Need to Love Other People – Vol. 4: https://www.heritagebooks.org/products/i-need-to-love-other-people-god-and-me-series-volume-4-beeke.html