Archives for September 4, 2021

Post-wedding Family Dinner

This evening we had a delightful post-wedding family dinner and get together in South Dakota at brother Pete and sister Linda’s home (parents of the bride). Here is a picture taken of Mary’s parents and siblings, together with their spouses. Tomorrow I hope to preach twice in the Hull, Iowa Heritage Reformed Congregation.

Wedding of Leah VanBeek and Jade Basting

On Thursday, Mary and I flew to Sioux Falls, South Dakota, together with our two daughters and their babies to officiate and attend the wedding of Leah VanBeek (our niece) and Jade Basting. (Other family members drove out.) The last part of the flight in thick clouds was very rough and then became even more difficult. Just as we were landing in Sioux Falls and could faintly see the runway beneath us through the clouds and rain, our pilot shot the plane upwards. We then circled around and came in for a landing again, only to have the process repeated. The pilot then ended up flying our plane to Sioux City, Iowa (about 100 miles south), and en route explained to us that the visibility was too poor to land in Sioux Falls. We ended up renting an SUV to drive back up to Sioux Falls.

The rehearsal on Thursday evening and the wedding on Friday evening for Jade and Leah went a lot smoother than the flight out. It was a privilege for me to officiate at the wedding for this dear couple from Psalm 128 about the blessing that accrues to a married couple when they fear the Lord. My good friend, Rev. Bartel Elshout, who did their premarital counseling, presented them with a Bible at the end of the ceremony with some edifying comments. (The second picture above is of our daughter Lydia with the bride; Lydia made Leah’s wedding dress from scratch, without a pattern.) Please pray for Jade and Leah that they will know the profound happiness of all those couples who truly fear the Lord.