I am excited to announce that RHB is publishing a second, improved 2-volume edition of Jim Beeke’s popular series of books on Bible Doctrine.
I received the first volume today, “Bible Doctrine for Younger Children” (300 pages in hard cover). This volume, geared for grades 4 and 5, replaces the former 2-volume paperback series by the same title. It contains numerous improvements in content, in editing, in artwork, and in typesetting. You can order this first volume here: https://www.heritagebooks.org/products/bible-doctrine-for-younger-children-second-edition-beeke.html
Presently, our typesetter is working on the second volume, “Bible Doctrine for Older Children” (which my brother Jim has already edited and which is designed for grades 6 and 7 in one hard cover volume rather than the present 2-volume paperback). We hope to have this available by early next year.
Meanwhile, Jim Beeke is now working on reducing the 3-volume set of “Bible Doctrine for Teens and Young Adults” (for grades 8 through 12 and for young adults) which contains about 1500 pages down to about 800-900 pages. That too will be published in one volume. Publication date for this substantively revised edition will be 2023, D.V. I am grateful to have the privilege to serve as one of the editors of my dear brother’s fine books again.
This set of books has already sold tens of thousands of volumes, especially to churches, Christian schools, and home-schooling families throughout North America and beyond. There is nothing quite like it on the market. Please pray for God’s benediction upon this large undertaking so that these improved volumes would sell hundreds of thousands, and also be translated into a number of languages. Pray that children and young people will profit from them for their own conversion and spiritual maturation all around the world.