Archives for August 30, 2021

Seminary Community Dinner

This evening the seminary community of PRTS—students, spouses, and their children—got together for a salad and pizza dinner followed by a few hours of animated and sweet fellowship. The students’ theological questions keep on coming even at a picnic.

We as faculty are truly blessed to have a godly, international student body from 20 countries and 30 denominations. God is so good to us! What a privilege and what a responsibility we have to train men for the ministry and to send them back to their countries preaching the unsearchable riches of Christ for needy sinners. Please pray that we will remain centered and focused on this worthy task and that the Holy Spirit will bless our feeble efforts.

Convocation and New Student Orientation Day

We just completed our “Convocation and New Student Orientation” day at Puritan Reformed Seminary. I was privileged to give the Convocation address from on the theme, “Trust God—Always!” We are grateful to have the largest incoming class (see picture #1 for some of them) that I think we have ever had.

Regular classes commence tomorrow. Pray that God will bless PRTS—its students, faculty, staff, and board—immensely in Immanuel in the 2021-2022 school year.

Two New Titles from RHB

I am pleased to announce that Reformation Heritage Books has received two new titles from the printer—the first being “God’s Grace Shining through the Law,” which I edited. Contributors include Michael Barrett, Gerald Bilkes, David Murray, Stephen Myers, Michael Riccardi, Clarence Simmons, Daniel Timmer, and William VanDoodewaard, and me. If you want a good book on the critical subject of the law that is both biblical and pastoral, and that will help you live in joyful obedience to God’s Word, try this book.

Second, in “A Practical Theology of Family Worship: Richard Baxter’s Timeless Encouragement for Today’s Home,” Jonathan Williams examines the encouragements Baxter gave for family worship, and his family-equipping ministry in his church. This study develops our understanding of this vital spiritual discipline among the Puritans while simultaneously drawing out implications for families and family ministry in churches today. In a day when family worship is seldom practiced diligently in most Christian homes, this book is sorely needed.