Archives for August 23, 2021

Brazilian Zoom Lecture

This afternoon I had the privilege of lecturing to approximately 200 theological students attending the José Manoel da Conceição Presbyterian Seminary in São Paulo, Brazil over Zoom from my study.

The first hour I lectured on Reformed Experiential Preaching, and the second hour I responded to excellent questions about the lecture from the professors and students. It was a joy to be with these brethren.

I want to thank Rev. André Silvério who was the professor who invited me and moderated the session, Rev. Danilo Santos for his excellent translation, and Dr. Ageu Magalhaes who is president of the seminary. You can find the lecture and discussion at the link below (you can skip the first three or four minutes as we were getting set up then). Pray that God would add His blessing.

Celebrating Our 32nd Anniversary

Over the weekend, my special Mary and I commemorated our 32nd anniversary. She told me if I posted something, that I should tone it down. So, what shall I say? I’ll honor her request and keep it succinct: I love my Queen with all my heart and—with the exception of spiritual life in the Triune God—she is the greatest and most beautiful gift God has ever given me. I am truly unworthy of her but my heart swells with gratitude for her, and I do hope and pray that we may share together many more fruitful Christ-centered years—and then eternity—yes, eternity praising Christ together for who He is and for His amazing grace!

P.S. Thanks so much, Mary, for who you are in Christ, by God’s grace—for packing our weeks, months, years, and decades with love, kindness, understanding, and joy. Thanks for your prayers and care, for your unflagging support and undying loyalty. Thanks for catching my vision and passion for local and worldwide ministry for the promotion of biblical, Reformed, Puritan, experiential Christianity. Thanks for putting up with my busyness and idiosyncrasies, without ever showing me anything but the deepest love. Thanks for supporting me through thick and thin, for being my sunshine in winter’s cold blasts, and for still wanting to hear me preach after 32 years. Thanks for supporting me in family worship, and for being a wonderful mother and grandmother. Thanks for talking, walking, and biking, and for being my best friend. (I’m sorry that I’ve kept this so short, but you told me to tone it down.)