Archives for July 30, 2021

Vacation Time with my Queen

Today we flew from Asheville, North Carolina and to Norfolk, Virginia, arriving in our hotel around noon. We spent the rest of the day as vacation time enjoying each other, biking to and along the ocean a fair number of miles, and sharing two delicious meals. What a treasure my Queen is! There’s no one in the world I would rather be with than her. God is so incredibly good.

En Route to Virginia

Yesterday was our final day at the ARP conference in Bonclarken, N.C. In the morning, I delivered my final two messages on family worship: its motivations and objections; and family worship in heaven. I felt helped the most in the last address—what a glorious unending family worship will transpire in glory!

We then had a delightful lunch with Dr. Charles and Bridgett Barrett (son of our OT PRTS prof, Dr. Michael Barrett) and their children (1st picture above). Dr. Charles Barrett gave several addresses to the young people. In the afternoon, I did a QA with Dr. Duguid. We also enjoyed meeting a dear family who have three biological children and have adopted two severely handicapped children with Down syndrome from eastern Europe (2nd picture above). For dinner, we went to the home of some very dear friends, Dr. Scott and Susie Roberts, who live only four miles away from Bonclarken. Fellowship with them is always sweet in the Lord (3rd picture below)!

Afterward we took in Dr. Duguid’s last address of the conference on worship (4th picture below) in which he focused on the glorious book of Revelation. We ended up selling all 16 boxes of books that we brought with us except for a handful of titles. Please pray for God’s blessing on this conference—and on the books, that they will bear much fruit.

Now we are en route to Virginia where I will be preaching on the coming Lord’s Day, D.V., for the Grace Covenant Church in Virginia Beach. We covet your ongoing prayers.