Archives for July 27, 2021

Family Bible Conference in Asheville, NC

On the Lord’s Day I preached on “Our Glorious Trinity” (see one of the sermon quotes below).

On Monday morning, Mary and I left for the Grand Rapids airport to fly to Asheville, North Carolina to speak for the Family Bible Conference organized by the Associate Reformed Presbyterian (ARP) churches at the Bonclarken Conference Center. Our plane had mechanical problems, so we ended up waiting/working in the Grand Rapids airport for six hours, not arriving at Bonclarken until 9:30 p.m.—thus missing the first evening session. The good news is that I was able to get a good chunk edited of Bart Elshout’s translation of Alexander Comrie’s magisterial volume of about 600 pages on fourteen characteristics of saving faith. It is biblically focused, experientially rich, and practically applied.

This morning I gave the first of my four messages on family worship to about 250 at the ARP Family Bible Conference. This session dealt with how family worship is biblically and theologically grounded. Tomorrow I am to speak on how to do family worship, and then on Thursday my topics are: how to stay motivated to do family worship, and family worship in heaven.
Book sales are going well so far, and we are making a number of new friends from near and far. Here we are with a couple who are very close friends with Dr. Michael and Sandra Barrett—and she graciously volunteered to help us at our book table. We had lunch with a family working in Spain, spent time with another family who translated the whole Bible with a team of helpers over a period of twenty years in Chad into the native language spoken there and who just returned from spending a few years of doing mission work in France. And we also enjoyed time with Rosaria Butterfield’s husband (a RPCNA pastor) and children, whom we had never met before. Looking forward to hearing Ian Duguid speak this evening on the wonderful theme of worship.

Please pray for God’s continued blessing on this conference.