Please pray for us. We are grieving as a church family.
A young man in our church family, Jordan Kamp, was working with two friends on getting a camper into a barn Monday evening when a large commercial garage door fell on him and took his life at the age of 18. Please remember his parents, Eric and Brenda Kamp, and their children, Levi, Landon, and Savannah, the grandparents, family, and friends, as they grapple with this overwhelming, sudden loss.
As pastors, we were with the mourning family for hours shortly after Jordan died, repeatedly reading portions of Scripture, praying, crying, and being silent before the Lord and each other, as well as listening to testimonies of Jordan’s only hope for salvation being in Christ. Personally, I am grateful for a hospital visit I had with Jordan a few years ago during which he definitively affirmed that Christ was his only hope for salvation.
Visiting hours will be on Friday, July 16, from 2-4 p.m. and 5:30-8:00 p.m. at Heritage Life Story Funeral Home, Alt & Shawmut Hills Chapel, 2120 Lake Michigan Dr. NW, Grand Rapids, Michigan. The funeral will take place on Saturday, July 17, at 10 a.m. at Heritage Reformed Congregation, 540 Crescent St. NE, Grand Rapids, with the graveside service immediately following the service at Fairplains Cemetery, 2056 Diamond Ave, NE.
The funeral service will also be live-streamed through Facebook, SermonAudio, or our church website. There will be a time for fellowship and refreshments at the church immediately following the graveside service.
Please continue to pray for the family and our church in this heavy trial.
A Gofundme has been set up on behalf of the Kamp family to help pay for funeral costs and other uncovered expenses:
For those who wish to provide meals, a Meal Train has also been set up: https://mealtrain.com/lz5zz4