Archives for July 9, 2021

Teologica Pratica: Um Estudo Sobre João Calvino e Seu Legado

I received a surprise package today of “Teologica Pratica: um estudo sobre João Calvino e seu legado” (350 pages; São Paulo: Editora Trinitas LTDA)—a Portuguese translation of “Theology Made Practical: New Studies in John Calvin and His Legacy” (by Michael Haykin, David Hall, and me). Pray that this book will help enlarge and mature the growing Reformed movement in Brazil.

You can order the book from

Annual Youth Camp

It was great to be with our young people yesterday at our annual Youth Camp. The addresses have been excellent and the young people have been greatly blessed. Last evening several of the elders and their wives from our church joined the young people for dinner and for Dr. Jerry Bilkes’s outstanding message on gleaning wisdom from the book of Proverbs for persevering in the Christian life.

After his address, Mary and I got roped into playing an intense game of basketball with the young people (unfortunately, I missed the shot that I took below but connected on a few others; we ended up losing by one point—but not for lack of trying—and wow, are we ever sore today!). From there we went to the campfire, where Dr. Bilkes (seated below) and I answered a number of the young people’s excellent questions. After doing some counseling, we returned home by a bit after midnight.

Ministry to young people is just wonderful—what a privilege to have these opportunities! Pray for the camp as it finishes up this afternoon that God will use it for true conversions, growth in grace, and His own glory.