Right after leading the memorial service of Orie VanderBoon yesterday, Mary and I flew to Sioux Falls, South Dakota via Charlotte, North Carolina. (Two rows in front of us, a large dog filled the aisle of the plane for most of the flight—see picture.) We are enjoying our time today with Mary’s sister and her husband, who live in eastern South Dakota. Tomorrow I hope to preach twice for the Heritage Reformed Church in Hull, Iowa. Many of the older folk in this church were members of my first pastorate here in northwest Iowa 43 years ago which then consisted of nearly 700 farmers and their families. It is always good to see these friends of decades ago.
Every blessing to you and your loved ones for the Lord’s Day tomorrow. Don’t forget to pray for our very needy, sinful, and divided country this weekend as we commemorate our 245th birthday. Pray for national repentance, national revival, national reformation, and national renewal.