Reformation Scotland’s two excellent new books on the Westminster Confession of Faith (“Our Faith: Understanding Scripture with the Westminster Confession” by Matthew Vogan and Catherine Hyde, 310 pages) and the Westminster Shorter Catechism (“Bible Truth Explored: Searching the Scriptures with the Shorter Catechism” by Murdo Macleod, 220 pages) are ideally suited for individual, family, and group study. The first book includes “A Simplified Confession of Faith” by Maurice Roberts that is very helpful for children and teenagers. Both volumes are user-friendly in the good sense of the term: they lucidly and unabashedly proclaim the whole counsel of God, fostering, by the Spirit’s grace, right God-honoring thinking, worship, and living. Buy these books not only for yourself and your family, but also in groups of ten for your church or school classes. Highly recommended!
“Our Faith: Understanding Scripture with the Westminster Confession”: https://bit.ly/RSOurFaith
“Bible Truth Explored: Searching the Scriptures with the Shorter Catechism”: https://bit.ly/RSBibleTruthExplored