Archives for July 2020

God’s Covenant Mercies

On Friday and Saturday, we had some wonderful family time. Here I am doing some amateurish canoeing with grandchildren and a nephew on a little pond. Then, on the Lord’s Day, I had the privilege of baptizing five children in our church family, including this precious grandson. God’s covenant mercies become more precious to me the older I grow. Do you ever feel like God is simply too good for you, such that you can scarcely take it in?

Nathan and Allison Kelderman

This evening my colleague and good friend, Dr. Mark Kelderman, had the privilege of officiating the wedding of his son Nathan to Allison Boerkoel—a special young couple indeed. He preached well about the beauty of God in Himself and in the work of marriage from the closing verses of Psalm 90. I had the privilege of presenting the young couple with a beautiful leather copy of our family worship Bible and speaking to them about the importance of Scripture in their lives. Please pray for Nathan and Allison that their lives may reflect the beauty of God in Christ throughout a long and fruitful marriage.