Archives for July 2020

How Should We Speak About the Church?

In this video, I explain that when you bring your children up in the nurture and fear of the Lord, God can and delights to bless these efforts to issue in their conversion so that they will be folded into a larger family that will never die. The Church is the blood-bought bride of Christ. Accordingly, we should be very wary of criticizing the Church, the bride that Christ gave everything for.

2020 Puritan Reformed Conference — 10% Discount Ends Today

Today is the last day to register for the 2020 Puritan Reformed Conference at the discounted rate of only $135. The goal of this annual event is to foster a robust Reformed Christian worldview that is biblical, confessional, experiential, and practical

This year, the seminary’s conference committee is delighted to be hosting this event at the Heritage Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, MI. This year’s theme, The Grace of Law, will be examined from various vantage points in eight plenary addresses. You won’t want to miss it!
For more information, or to register, click here:

My Special Father-in-law, Henry Kamp

My special 87-year-old father-in-law, Henry Kamp, carrying one of his home-made “Michigan” chairs up his driveway, in preparation for a craft sale. He is still regularly in his garage making things out of wood. You can’t take carpentry out of a life-long carpenter.

The Hub of Life

Two New Books on the Westminster Confession of Faith

Reformation Scotland’s two excellent new books on the Westminster Confession of Faith (“Our Faith: Understanding Scripture with the Westminster Confession” by Matthew Vogan and Catherine Hyde, 310 pages) and the Westminster Shorter Catechism (“Bible Truth Explored: Searching the Scriptures with the Shorter Catechism” by Murdo Macleod, 220 pages) are ideally suited for individual, family, and group study. The first book includes “A Simplified Confession of Faith” by Maurice Roberts that is very helpful for children and teenagers. Both volumes are user-friendly in the good sense of the term: they lucidly and unabashedly proclaim the whole counsel of God, fostering, by the Spirit’s grace, right God-honoring thinking, worship, and living. Buy these books not only for yourself and your family, but also in groups of ten for your church or school classes. Highly recommended!

“Our Faith: Understanding Scripture with the Westminster Confession”:

“Bible Truth Explored: Searching the Scriptures with the Shorter Catechism”:

A Better Ending, and Other Short Stories for Boys and Girls

Yesterday RHB received another title for children that I had the privilege of doing a final edit on: “A Better Ending, and other short stories for boys and girls” by Doreen Tamminga. These 25 captivating stories, with illustrations, take place at home, in school, across the world, and in our own back yards. Each story has a theme that encourages children to reflect on their own hearts and lives as they relate to God’s Word. You will definitely want this book in your family!

RHB Welcomes Ian Thompson

Today we had a pizza-lunch with the Reformation Heritage Books staff to welcome Ian Thompson (fifth from the left), who had his first day on the job with us. Ian has worked for Christian Focus and P&R for over a quarter of a century and will take up a very important position on our leadership team as Director of Sales and Business Development. Pray that God will bless his labors among us as we seek to expand our sales of solid biblical, Reformed, confessional, experiential literature around the world.

The Divine Right of Church Government

Another new, exciting title that arrived today! In conjunction with Naphtali Press, Reformation Heritage Books has published the classic Puritan book on church government, “The Divine Right of Church Government,” written by various ministers in London and first published there in 1646. This is a timely republication, as this book has much to say to us implicitly in relation to our church-state issues resulting from the coronavirus. It is also a classic in its own right, so we owe a great deal to Chris Coldwell for meticulously editing, typesetting, and providing an excellent 30-page introduction to this long overdue reprint.

Why Should We Preach Experientially?

What Is True Religion?

Well, this is our Geoff Thomas week at Reformation Heritage Books—in one day we sold nearly half of our first printing of his excellent evangelistic book, “You Could Have It All.” And today we have received his next new RHB title, “What Is True Religion?” This is one of the clearest and most succinct presentations of the gospel that you will ever read in 30 pages! It is both evangelistic in tone and affirming to believers—you will love it.