Archives for June 2020

Freedom Fest 2020 Conference Follow-up Interview

Last night I spoke via video/audio on Family Worship and did a follow-up interview for the Freedom Fest 2020 Conference to 10,000 people in the Manila, Philippines area and beyond. Originally, the conference was expecting 5,000 people on site, but the conference moved to video/audio due to Covid-19 and apparently ended up with twice the number expected. God’s ways are above ours. Pray that God would use this address and interview to stir up many parents to begin implementing family worship.  

The Confession of Faith: A Critical Text and Introduction

I am very, very excited to announce on behalf of Reformation Heritage Books that moments ago we have just received our first printing of “The Confession of Faith: A Critical Text and Introduction” by John R. Bower, under the supervision of Chad Van Dixhoorn, with a foreword by Sinclair Ferguson.

I had the privilege of being the final editor of this volume and can assure you that it is by far the most erudite and best critical edition of the Westminster Confession of Faith ever published. In addition, Bower’s 192-page introduction on how the confession was formulated chapter by chapter is fascinating and superlative.

This is a “must-have” book for anyone interested in the Westminster Confession of Faith and will certainly become the standard resource. Buy three copies at a special price and give two away to your Reformed and Presbyterian friends and spread the word about this good news!

Buy one for $30: or three for $75:

Why You Should Read the Works of William Perkins Today

In this blog post hosted by Tim Challies, I discuss why you should read the Works of William Perkins, and four reasons why he is still relevant today.

For a limited time, RHB are offering this $500.00 set for only $280.00. Get your set at the following link:

Growing in Grace

Minutes ago RHB received its latest new title, “Growing in Grace,” edited by me. It consists of thirteen addresses given at last year’s PRTS Conference in Grand Rapids, covering how to grow in grace in the following subjects: through the Psalms, fearing God, repentance, faith, sanctification, heavenly-mindedness, assurance of faith, adoption, evangelism, Christlikeness, communion with God, and good works. If you wish to grow in grace, you will want to read this book!

Ordination of Eric VanderMolen at Bethany URC

Last night I had the privilege of participating in the ordination of Eric VanderMolen, one of our PRTS graduates, at Bethany United Reformed Church, in Wyoming, Michigan. Rev. Greg Lubbers preached an excellent and personal ordination sermon, “A Charge to the Gospel Ministry,” from 2 Timothy 4:1-5, unpacking the charge’s context, action, and manner; Rev. Casey Freswick, who has served this flock well for twenty years, led the ordination; and I gave the prayer of intercession. Please pray for Rev. Eric and Lori VanderMolen as he leads this flock of several hundred members as a young preacher and pastor that God may fulfil for him the rich promise of Ephesians 3:20-21.

Interview on Wrath and Grace Radio

The Works of William Perkins have not been reprinted since the 17th century. In this interview with Wrath and Grace Radio I discuss the life of William Perkins, why Perkins is important today, and highlight some of his most important writings. Watch the interview and then purchase the 10 Volume Collection of The Works of William Perkins at an introductory rate of only $280 at the following link: 

None Else: 31 Meditations on God’s Character and Attributes

I am grateful to announce that RHB’s newest title just arrived moments ago: “None Else: 31 Meditations on God’s Character and Attributes” (200 pages) by Brian Cosby and me. Each of the 31 chapters contains five short sections: a Scripture meditation, a prayer, a biblical perspective of the particular attribute being studied, reflection questions (for private devotions or study groups), and a section called “dig deeper.” Surely there is no more important subject than to know our Lord God, for there is “none else.”