Our daughter snuck this picture this afternoon of me walking with two very precious grandchildren from the seminary to home after completing sermon preparation and beginning some much needed clean-up in my study. God is amazingly good!
Doctrine for Life
Our daughter snuck this picture this afternoon of me walking with two very precious grandchildren from the seminary to home after completing sermon preparation and beginning some much needed clean-up in my study. God is amazingly good!
Our RHB title, “Lady Jane Grey” by Simonetta Carr, which makes for a fascinating story, is now available in Russian.
In this message I discuss the pastor and his life in the Word of God. A minister of the gospel is a man who has been called by God to a unique and important work. His main task in life is to understand and explain God’s word to God’s people so that they hear, through the preacher, the voice of God speaking to them. A man cannot do that unless he devotes his life to being in the scriptures and spends his time and energy in seeking to understand God’s word. https://bit.ly/2zAxDEr
Yesterday I was grateful to receive the five-volume set of “Building on the Rock” stories for children by Diana Kleyn and me in Portuguese. Pray that God will use the books for many thousands of children and families in Brazil and Portugal as he has used them in English.
I just completed doing a QA session following my talk on Family Worship for the Freedom Festival Panel in Manila, Philippines. This upcoming conference is taking place virtually on June 12-13, the Lord willing, with thousands expected to be listening. I was impressed with the young men (pictured here) who were involved in this growing work. Will you pray with me that God will bless their efforts to promote further reformation and revival throughout the Philippines and beyond?
I am very excited to announce that the last volume of William Perkins’s Complete Works (vol. 10; Reformation Heritage Books) has arrived! Perkins is often famously called “the father of Puritanism” for a host of reasons. Can you imagine what it would be like to have no access in our day to Calvin’s Institutes or Commentaries? Yet, for some odd, unknown reasons, Perkins’s Works have not been reprinted since the 17th century. What a privilege it has been for me to read and edit the entire set of Perkins’s incredible treatises over the past 7 years! I am almost sorry it is done! If you are a serious Christian and want to grow in grace, you won’t want to be without this set of books. To celebrate the completion of RHB’s largest task ever undertaken, together a team of typists, typesetters, and editors, we are offering this $500.00 set for only $280.00 for the next few weeks. Now is your time to take advantage of this incredible sale for the next few weeks before we revert to our normal discount price which will be considerably higher. https://linktr.ee/ReformationHeritage
Yesterday evening I had the privilege to officiate the outdoor wedding of Tom Beeke and Becky Markus in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Tom is my cousin and Becky is my niece, so it was great to connect with several family members as well. And it was the first time in my life that I conducted a wedding where both people were my relatives! Please pray that God will bless them abundantly as husband and wife in Christ Jesus.
RHB’s latest new title—a 200 page paperback—arrived a few hours ago: “Thriving in Grace: Twelve Ways the Puritans Fuel Spiritual Growth” by Brian Hedges and me. Sinclair Ferguson suggests that if you are looking to grow spiritually through the savory influence of the Puritans, “read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest” this book: https://bit.ly/2ziYODF I also received today, “Wie du die Bible lieben lernst?” (my “How Should Teens Read the Bible?“ in German). Pray for God’s blessing on both books please.
We are pleased to announce that the tenth and final volume of the “Works of William Perkins” is now available for preorder. With the arrival of volume ten, it concludes the journey that we began in 2014, of this paramount theologian. We are indebted to the many individuals that put in many hours to make this dream a reality
There has been a resurgence of interest in the Puritans, but until recently, William Perkins went largely ignored. This would be along the lines of studying the Reformation without having access to Calvin’s “Institutes.” By God’s grace, William Perkins’s works will once again be available in their entirety.
We invite you to pick up these volumes and find out for yourself why Perkins’s shaped a movement and went on to become the “Father of Puritanism.”
You can purchase Vol. 10 here: https://bit.ly/WPerkins10. You can purchase the complete set here: https://bit.ly/PerkinsComplete
Tolle Lege!
Having discussed God’s promises and personal evidences of grace as sources of our assurance, I now examine the third foundation for assurance: the testimony of the Holy Spirit. In this lesson, we will learn how the Spirit can apply God’s Word directly to the soul, resulting in great assurance. We will also learn how to test whether this experience is truly from God.
Watch the video here: https://bit.ly/3dume7k