Archives for April 17, 2020

It’s a Zoom World

What an amazing Zoom world we live in! Minutes ago I just finished with a Zoom meeting in which I “preached” for 30 minutes on Hebrews 12:1-2 to several dozen theological students from the SRL seminaries scattered throughout Latin America—with 22 sites from Mexico to Chile—in order to encourage them to keep running the race by looking unto Jesus. This morning we had a Zoom conference prayer time for dozens of PRTS and RHB employees—and we plan to continue this every day, M-F, at our normal 9:45 a.m. meeting time.  Wednesday evening we had a Zoom conference prayer time for our church with about 80 of our church members participating from 50 different homes. Tuesday evening we had a consistory meeting with 24 men on Zoom. We are doing our entire full semester seminary program of teaching through Zoom with dozens of students on the screen as we lecture, as well as nearly all of our denominational committee meetings. And every Zoom call and meeting has been flawless in terms of the quality of Zoom. It nearly feels like a new world. Though we long to see each other in person again in every ministry, let us in the interim thank God, together with us, for the gift of Zoom so that all of these ministries may continue unabated!