Is it a sin for someone to go to work while sick? What does the Bible say about quarantine? Is this the judgment of God? Is live streaming a church service helpful or harmful? These questions and more are discussed in the webinar, “COVID-19 – A Christian’s Response to this Unfolding Crisis.”
Archives for March 27, 2020
William Perkins Volume 9

We are excited that RHB just received volume 9 of the “Works of William Perkins” moments ago. This volume includes many practical gems, including treatises on knowing Christ, repentance, the combat of flesh and spirit, governing the tongue, etc. You won’t want to miss this one!
More good news: the final volume (vol. 10) is already typeset in final form and is being indexed right now. It should be available in two months. Then the set will be complete. For my part as editor, this task is now done. What a joy it has been to read and edit the 6000+ pages of the complete works of William Perkins over the past six years! I have been so edified that I am almost sorry that there are not more volumes to do. (But I am also excited to move on now to the complete works of Samuel Rutherford in a projected set of 12 volumes, averaging 921 pages each.) By the way, in honor of Perkins as “the father of Puritanism” and in honor of his remarkably edifying treatises, we have named our seminary library at PRTS, “William Perkins Library.”