Archives for February 18, 2020


The moment the Queen and I have been waiting for—after 30 hours en route from Egypt we are home and the first thing we did was to see our precious new grandchild, Abraham Frank, the firstborn son of Isaac and Lydia! The goodness of God is overwhelming. Praise the Lord with us and pray that Abraham will receive the Abrahamic blessing of both being blessed and being a blessing.

Heading Home

After leaving the library in Alexandria, Egypt, we enjoyed a group of rambunctious school children who started practicing their English on us, as their teachers tried to shoo them back onto the sidewalk! Now we are finally on the way home. After three weeks in Kenya and Egypt, and speaking 37 times, we are ready for home—and especially ready to see our new grandchild, Abraham! Thanks for your prayers. God is so good and faithful.