Archives for February 12, 2020

Dinner on the Nile River

This evening (we are 7 hours ahead of EST in the U.S.) we had a delightful dinner in a beautiful restaurant on the Nile River in Cairo, Egypt with some of the leaders connected with the Alexandria School of Theology. In addition to hearing about each others’ families, conversion, and work, we discussed a great variety of subjects, including the doctrine of assurance of faith, the role of affections in Reformed experiential theology, the theology of Thomas Cranmer and Jonathan Edwards. The brother sitting next to me has devoted his life’s work to the theology of Cranmer. Oxford University Press is releasing volume 1 of his edited edition of Cranmer’s Works this year (which includes his 250-page intro on Cranmer), and then, hopefully, volumes 2-5 in the next seven years, D.V. The Lord willing, tomorrow I finish teaching my Reformed Experiential Preaching class here, and then we move on to the last leg of our trip for a conference and for preaching in Alexandria, Egypt. We are really looking forward to our homecoming next week to see our new grandchild, Abraham Frank!

ThM Course on Reformed Experiential Preaching in Cairo, Egypt

Since Monday I have been enjoying teaching all day each day an intense 3-credit ThM course on Reformed Experiential Preaching at the Cairo, Egypt branch of the Alexandria School of Theology to 15 students—mostly Egyptian ministers and teachers. The course is about 24 hours of lecturing; I hope to complete the last hours of teaching tomorrow. In this picture, the students are holding up my book on Reformed experiential preaching, which serves as the main text for the course.

The course is one of many that our professors hope to teach at this school which is now being established as an ATS-approved extension campus of PRTS for the Middle East for the ThM program. We have also been approved for three other extension campus sites for the ThM program which our professors are teaching at as well—one in Brazil to represent Latin America, one in London to cover Europe, and one in Taiwan to serve students from South Korea, China, Indonesia, and the Philippines.

Please pray that God’s blessing may rest upon these extension sites in general and this class in particular to His glory and the extension and maturation of His kingdom.