Archives for February 11, 2020

Meet Our New Grandson, Abraham Frank

During this time that we are in Africa, we were blessed with a new grandson! Little Abraham Frank (7 lb. 15 oz.) was born to our daughter and her husband, Isaac and Lydia. Mother and child are well. We are beyond excited to meet this little man. God is beyond good! Please pray with us for a second and even more miraculous birth.

Four Pleasant Surprises

Today I had four pleasant surprises here in Cairo, Egypt. The first two were in the form of two of my books, “The Contagious Christian” and “Living in a Godly Marriage” (with James La Belle) that were presented to me in Arabic! Here I am with the brother who translated both of them. Surprises of my books in foreign languages always move and humble me. Pray with me that the growing Reformed movement in Egypt and throughout the Middle East and other countries that speak Arabic may profit greatly from these books.

The third pleasant surprise was the arrival of Rick Denham from Brazil who was involved in planning for the conference that I will be speaking at in Alexandria, Egypt this coming weekend. Rick is involved with helping many U.S.-based ministries (such as 9Marks, Desiring God, Ligonier, and MacArthur’s ministry) expand their work in foreign countries. It was great to have lunch with him and catch up on the Lord’s goodness and work.

My last pleasant surprise was receiving the first typeset copy of volume 2 of “Reformed Systematic Theology” on the doctrines of man and Christ (1300 pages by Paul Smalley and me). It is always great to get through the initial stage of editing and to receive the first typeset copy of a book for final proofreading. To me, reaching this stage is nearly as exciting as receiving the book itself. Please pray that we will be able to ferret out any typos in this last phase of proofreading, and that God will continue to use this set of books in a mighty way around the world (Volume 2 is scheduled for an early November release date.) Also today, by the way, I gave final approval for the printing of the Portuguese version of volume 1 of “Reformed Systematic Theology” in Brazil.

Warm greetings from Egypt. Your prayers are coveted.