Archives for February 5, 2020

Busy Day of Ministry in Nakuru, Kenya

Today was a very encouraging, busy day of ministry here in Nakuru, Kenya. Once again, Conrad Mbewe and I both gave two messages each to a Church Leaders conference and did a Q&A together. His messages were on 1 Corinthians 1:19-21 and mine were on “Bunyan Preaching to the Heart” and “The Importance of Heartfelt Prayer for Leaders” if they want to reach the hearts of their people.

Between my two addresses, Pastor Isaac drove Mary and me to Kabaruk University (a Christian university of 8000 attending students) where I delivered a special chapel message on “Endurance in Times of Sorrow and Affliction” (Heb. 12:1-3) to 3000 university students and professors (2000 in the university’s auditorium—see picture; and another 1000 under tents outside of the auditorium) who were grieving the loss of Daniel Moi who passed away yesterday at the age of 95. Mr. Moi served as Kenya’s second president for 24 years, and was the founder and chancellor of Kabaruk University. He was one of the best known, longest-serving leaders on the African continent. The mourning among the people was nearly tangible, making it a solemn and wonderful opportunity to proclaim God’s Word on this very special occasion; the nation is mourning and flags are at half-mast everywhere. At the last moment, just before speaking, I felt strongly compelled to change my text to include the first two verses of Hebrews 12 as well as verse 3, and felt wonderfully helped in delivering this message without notes.

I can truly confess that God was in the midst of us, and many felt helped by His Word. He is so good. I feel humbled and honored that kind Providence arranged this unforgettable speaking occasion for me when so many felt very needy. This was surely the highlight of our trip to Africa so far. Pray with us that God will continue to use this message for much good.