Archives for February 4, 2020

Church Leader’s Conference in Nakuru, Kenya

Today our good friend, Dr. Conrad Mbewe from Zambia, and I spoke two messages each and did a Q&A together, for a Church Leader’s Conference of about 225 attendees in Nakuru, Kenya, Africa. Conrad spoke on 1 Cor. 1:18 and I spoke on the preaching of Calvin and the Puritans. I have to give five more messages tomorrow and Thursday; please pray for divine unction and the benediction of the Spirit.

More Adventures on Safari

Just when we thought we had seen everything special except a lion, we came upon several vehicles stopped by some heavy brush. It was a lioness and her young one!! They seemed to be awaking from a nap, and we saw them for a few seconds as they disappeared into the undergrowth. Conrad took this great photo. The rest of the trip was exciting: witnessing a baboon fight, straddling a small python driving down the road, and having another flat tire!

A Tense Moment on Safari

(Written by Mary) On the safari yesterday, we were tooling along in an open valley. It was getting warmer. George seemed to be having trouble getting the Land Rover to go more than 5 mph. Then it slowed to a stop. It was running but wouldn’t go forward. There were some water buffalo and impala about 40 yards to the right, so George said, “It’s clear and open, I’ll check it out.” He got out, walked five feet, turned around, and got right back into the driver’s seat. “There’s a black rhino coming out of the woods. They are rare, and they are dangerous.” It was tense (or exciting, depending on your perspective) for about ten minutes as the rhino meandered towards us, checking us out, looking away, coming within 50 yards of us, and finally lumbering away. George and Schel got out and started working on the fuel line, blowing and sucking through the fuel pump, and listening for bubbles in the tank. The water buffalo were curious and came a bit closer. I was ready to holler if they charged. Finally, the guys dislodged some debris in the tank that was blocking the fuel from flowing, started it up, pushed the accelerator, and it roared to life. We were on our way again!!

Registration is Now Open for the Inaugural Puritan Conference

Registration for the inaugural Puritan Conference is now open!

June 3–5
Grace Community Church
Los Angeles, California

Sign up today at; the first 100 people to register will receive a special discounted rate of $199.
Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to join me, John MacArthur, Ligon Duncan, Sinclair Ferguson, Steven Lawson, and many of our fellow scholars as we explore the rich legacy of our Puritan heritage.

—Joel Beeke