Archives for February 2020

Homeschool Conference in Nashville, TN

The Queen and I are at a homeschooling conference in Nashville, Tennessee this week. The 12,000 attendees include a remarkable number of large families. Pray for me as I speak three times at various breakout sessions on topics related to marriage and family worship, and introduce Reformed and Puritan books to many new friends and customers.

Upcoming Conference in Milan, Italy — October 9-12, 2020

I’ll be speaking at a conference at the Chiesa Veritas Church on the outskirts of Milan, Italy this coming October 9-12, 2020, on the theme of “All to the Glory of God.” I’d love to see you there. Watch this video for more information:

What is Family Worship?

A Love for Books

What better picture of a grandchild and what better statement from a son-in-law could a grandpa like me receive than this?!

From my son-in-law:

Dad, looks like Abraham is already taking after his grandpa in his love for books 🙂

Study Buddies

What better way to study than to have a grandchild on each knee after missing them for three weeks!

Five RHB Titles by Paul Washer in Arabic

When I was in Egypt this past week, I was given all five of our RHB titles by Paul Washer in Arabic. The last one arrived the day before we did! It is great to see two of his best known and divinely blessed sermons in Arabic (“Narrow Gate, Narrow Way” and “Ten Indictments against the Modern Church”), as well as his three volumes of sermons recently published by RHB (“The Gospel’s Power & Message,” “The Gospel’s Call & True Conversion,” and “Gospel Assurance & Warnings”). Pray that God will greatly bless these books in the 25 countries that claim Arabic as an official or co-official language: Algeria, Bahrain, Chad, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tanzania, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.


The moment the Queen and I have been waiting for—after 30 hours en route from Egypt we are home and the first thing we did was to see our precious new grandchild, Abraham Frank, the firstborn son of Isaac and Lydia! The goodness of God is overwhelming. Praise the Lord with us and pray that Abraham will receive the Abrahamic blessing of both being blessed and being a blessing.

Heading Home

After leaving the library in Alexandria, Egypt, we enjoyed a group of rambunctious school children who started practicing their English on us, as their teachers tried to shoo them back onto the sidewalk! Now we are finally on the way home. After three weeks in Kenya and Egypt, and speaking 37 times, we are ready for home—and especially ready to see our new grandchild, Abraham! Thanks for your prayers. God is so good and faithful.

Museum and Library of Alexandria

On our last day in Alexandria, Egypt, Sherif and Marian took us to the Museum and Library of Alexandria, one of the world’s largest. It is a stunningly beautiful building. It houses some ancient manuscripts and a museum commemorating Anwar Sadat and his novel approach to peace with Israel. Alexandria is on the beautiful Mediterranean Sea, where fishing boats bobbed on the water, with the Citadel of Qaitbay in the background.

Sidi Bischr Church in Alexandria, Egypt

Yesterday, on the Lord’s Day, I preached twice for the Sidi Bischr church in Alexandria, Egypt. The sanctuary is small and L-shaped, with the men packed in on one side and the women on the other. There are two more overflow rooms upstairs. Wherever we go, we meet people who have afflictions. Several expressed relief at understanding how God brings us closer to Him through His silence and through difficulties. Afterward, we went to Sherif and Marian’s house with a number of other church leaders from the local church and from other countries. We had wonderful fellowship. We are in awe of the dedication that many make for the cause of Christ. The Lord granted us a sweet, special Sabbath.