William Perkins Volume 8

Volume 8 of the projected 10-volume set of “The Complete Works of William Perkins” has arrived—this volume including all of Perkins’s masterful treatises on “cases of conscience.” It is a masterful volume—an indispensable read for pastors and all those who want to counsel others, as well as individual Christians who want to grow in grace. More good news: Volume 9 is already typeset and at the indicer, and volume 10 is presently being typeset.

The whole set should be available by May in time for the June 3-5, 2020 premier Puritan Conference being organized as a joint effort by John MacArthur’s team, RHB, and PRTS—to be held at MacArthur’s church in Los Angeles. We hope to have 4500 attendees at this conference, the Lord willing. You won’t want to miss this conference! Registration and speaker information will be available soon at http://puritanconference.org. You can also sign up for news and updates.

Pray for God’s blessing on this conference.

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