Last night was a great, unforgettable event at Puritan Reformed Seminary with a great turnout: the dedication of our Torah scroll (Genesis through Deuteronomy—127 feet long on calf skin) to God’s glory and the welfare of our seminary students. The Torah scroll will be very helpful for Old Testament classes—most particularly for Hebrew classes. Dr. Scott Carroll (far left in first photo), a specialist in manuscripts, gave a lecture on the history behind the particular scroll gifted to our seminary by Ken and Barb Larsen. Our 19th-century scroll took a team of people in Romania about a year to write. It was completed in Romania, and later carried to Israel by Russian Jews who migrated from Romania to Israel after Israel became a nation. The Larsens purchased it in Jerusalem from the world’s largest scroll-collector and chose to gift it, in God’s kind providence, to PRTS. After Dr. Carroll’s moving address, about 200 of the attendees went upstairs where he and Dr. Barrett (PRTS OT professor) explained various fascinating particulars about the scroll. The overall impression was that it was a very moving evening for the attendees, particularly in reinforcing in our minds and hearts how carefully God has preserved His pure Word through the ages. Sola scriptura! Soli Deo gloria!