Archives for December 11, 2019

Charles Hodge’s Exegetical Lectures on the Book of Hebrews

A few years ago, Dr. William VanDoodewaard was doing some research at the Princeton Seminary Archives and Library when he discovered a series of handwritten manuscripts by Charles Hodge which turned out to be notes for a commentary on the book of Hebrews which had never been published before. A number of sermons were also discovered. Dr. VanDoodewaard worked with The Banner of Truth to bring together these two collections into one volume, Charles Hodge’s Exegetical Lectures and Sermons on Hebrews. It is now available for purchase at the following link:

If I Could Speak — Letters from the Womb

Today we received from Christian Focus the most moving book I have ever read on the horrendous holocaust of killing children in the womb (which we rather politely call “abortion”). Mark Jones writes “If I Could Speak: Letters from the Womb” from the perspective of a little girl in the womb, pleading with her mommy not to kill her. These “Dear Mommy” letters share the child’s hopes and fears with the mother who controls whether she will live or die. We have ordered thousands of copies of this book as we believe that individual Christians and churches should order these in groups of ten and give them out far and wide. Pray that God will use this book to strengthen opposition against this dreadful and horrific sin of baby-killing. Order here: