Archives for June 7, 2017

William Perkins Conference Videos

On May 19 and 20, we had the privilege of participating in the William Perkins Conference in Cambridge, England. William Perkins was a spiritual father in the early Puritan movement, and his preaching and writings influenced Reformed theology and piety for generations to come. It was a special moment for us to gather in the historic Round Church, where Perkins preached for a season.

If you were not able to join us, you can still benefit from the videos of the talks given there. Sinclair Ferguson spoke on Perkins as a “Plain Preacher,” Stephen Yuille on “Faith and Love in Perkins’s Defense of the Protestant Religion,” Greg Salazar on “Scripture, Tradition, and Holiness” in Perkins and Puritanism, Geoff Thomas on “The Pursuit of Godliness in the Ministry of William Perkins,” and I addressed “William Perkins’s Largest Case of Conscience.”

You may watch all five talks on Sermon Audio.

Also, don’t miss the sale on the first four volumes of The Works of William Perkins. Though this set retails at $200, RHB has discounted it to a mere $130. That’s less than a nickel per page of Perkins!