Archives for December 14, 2016

New Book: Theodorus Vander Groe, Sermons on the Heidelberg Catechism


I’m very excited that, with the help of the Dutch Reformed Translation Society, we at Reformation Heritage Books can finally bring into English print in 2 volumes Theodore VanderGroe’s (1705–1784) classic Heidelberg Catechism sermons, which were nearly as famous in his day for their doctrinal soundness and experiential warmth as Wilhelmus à Brakel’s The Christian’s Reasonable Service (4 vols.). Brakel excepted, this is the most major work ever translated from the Dutch Further Reformation.

Steeped in Scripture and pastoral in nature, these sermons promote a healthy form of spirituality; they contain both great comforts for believers and powerful warnings to unbelievers. Bartel Elshout has provided an excellent translation and I thoroughly enjoyed editing it.

If you or someone you know enjoys Brakel, or appreciates the Heidelberg Catechism, this would make a perfect year-end gift—a beautiful set of books for only $45.00 which now reads in English like it was written yesterday. You will love this renowned classic exposition of the Heidelberg Catechism written for lay people. Buy, read, and be edified.