Archives for September 2016

John Bunyan and the Grace of Fearing God: New Title from P&R Publishing

bunyan-bookOld friends can be full of surprises. Have you ever visited with a dear friend whom you have known for years, only to discover something new about him that makes you admire him all the more? I grew up with John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, and though of course I never met Bunyan, I count him a dear friend whose writings have long nourished my soul. Yet after co-authoring a book with Paul Smalley on Bunyan and the fear of God, my admiration and gratitude for the tinker-theologian has deepened.

As a seminary professor, I never cease to be astounded by Bunyan. He had little formal education, but he received a Ph.D. from the School of Suffering with Christ. His persecutors thought they had confined this preacher to jail, but in reality Bunyan lived in the Bible—and the word of God cannot be bound. To read Bunyan’s voluminous writings is to be immersed in the text of Holy Scripture.

That’s why I find Bunyan’s perspective on the fear of God so valuable. This topic is clouded with much confusion today. It seems that most people think that the fear of God annihilates faith in God’s grace, and vice versa. Some preachers distort the love of God in a manner that would take God off His throne and make Him our spiritual buddy. Other preachers fixate on God’s law and wrath to the neglect of the gospel so that people cower in degradation or run away from the Lord.

Bunyan, however, discovered in the Bible that God’s grace ignites the fear of God in us. God puts His fear in those whom He loves and intends to bless forever. Many of God’s best promises are to the people who fear Him and hope in His faithful love. While it is true that some fear is bad, Bunyan teaches us how to discern between healthy and unhealthy fear toward God. We need not fear the true fear of God, for it is our best friend as we travel by grace along our pilgrimage toward His glory. In fact, God’s very grace is fearful, for it is the grace of God. Our distaste for the fear of the Lord shows how poorly we know God.

So I commend the book to you in the hope that, by learning from Bunyan, you will learn more about God and will delight to fear His name.

(Right now, RHB is selling John Bunyan and the Grace of Fearing God at a discounted price of only $8.00, over 45% off its retail price. For a sample from the book, click here.)

The Fear of God and a Sense of Sin

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Below is a short video where I explain how a sense of God’s majesty transforms how we view sin, Christ, and everything. To learn more about the fear of God, join us at the NCFIC national conference, October 27–29.

The Fear of God and A Sense of Sin from NCFIC on Vimeo.


Teologia Puritana: A Puritan Theology in Portuguese


Rejoice with me for the translation into Portuguese and printing of A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life, written by Mark Jones and me. (Click here for a sample of Teologia Puritana.) It is printed by Vida Nova, a large Portuguese publisher which does a good job at getting its publications into bookstores all over Brazil. Please pray that God will bless my trip to Brazil next month and that He will bless this volume to thousands of readers to help promote even more reformation and revival in that country.