(The following post, a continuation of the previous blog post on our trip to preach at the Reformed Family Conference, was written by my wife Mary.)
On Thursday, Joel spoke about Willem Teellinck to the ministers; what an example that man was of piety and perseverance! At the Family Conference he spoke on “The Puritans on Prayer.” We went to a potluck lunch for about 70 people at the home of the parents of PRTS student Katolo Mendamenda. We heard an update on the proposed African Christian University (ACU): all the plans are laid, staff and faculty in place, and the venue is ready. The only thing they are waiting for is approval from the government. They are hoping it comes next month so they can start in January. This is the fruition of the bold vision and work of Ronald Kalifungwa, Conrad Mbewe, other pastors in the area, and their churches.
Dr. Voddie Baucham has come from the United States to direct the ACU Seminary. Their mission is to provide both a liberal arts university as well as a seminary of Reformed persuasion. They feel called to prepare students to be gatekeepers who carry out the Christian mandate in society to follow God’s commandments and to love God above all and our neighbor as ourselves. Rather than just complaining about corrupt politicians and business leaders, they feel called to take action. Pray for this worthy endeavor.
On Friday, Joel spoke to the ministers on “Wilhelmus à Brakel’s Biblical Ethics of Spirituality” and to the families on “The Puritans on Sanctification.” I was able to go with Sarah Kalifungwa to a market to buy some fabric. After seeing all these ladies in their beautiful outfits, I wanted to get some cloth for the ladies in my family and myself. At $1.75 a yard I was quite happy. The market was a real experience!
The conference concluded that evening with Joel preaching “Keep on Keeping On!” from Hebrews 12. It was very encouraging to be reminded to look to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, as we run the race set before us. A young man came up to Joel and Ronald afterward with tears streaming down his cheeks. The only words he could say were, “Thank you,” but his eyes said a lot more. Another young man that I had noticed the first night looked furtively around, like he didn’t want to be there, and he wasn’t singing. I have to admit I was suspicious of him. But during Friday night’s sermon, he was singing and looked less burdened. He came up to us afterward and said, “I was in withdrawal from drugs Wednesday evening. Now I know where I can find the strength to stay away from drugs, and I am determined to do so!” There was a peaceful smile on his face. Pray that he will remain strong!
On Saturday our hosts drove us to Ronald and Sarah’s house. The parsonage is on a three-acre lot, and Sarah grows all sorts of palms, vegetables, herbs, and flowers to sell. She is a true Proverbs 31 lady. The six of us went to a large game park over a long, bumpy dirt road an hour and a half away. After a BBQ buffet lunch, we boarded an open-air truck and saw lions, lynx, hyenas, and cheetahs in cages. Wandering around the 10,000 acres were giraffe, kudu, ostrich, zebra, waterbuck, impala, heartbeast, guinea fowl, kafue lechwe, wildebeest, bandit mongoose, sable antelope, and an elephant. We then took a boat ride on a beautiful lake and saw numerous species of birds, including a variety of cormorants, weaver bird, jacana, grebes, herons, paid wag, and kingfishers. Some of the birds were so different from ours, and so very colorful. God’s creation is awesome!
On Sunday, Joel spoke to the adult Bible class at Lusaka Baptist Church and then preached to the church of about 700 people about Jesus being the only one who can meet all our needs. Peter’s pride, denial, restoration, and subsequent usefulness are encouraging lessons for us. Ronald and Sarah Kalifungwa and their three sons hosted us for lunch. After a short rest, we were off to a daughter church of Lusaka Baptist Church called Kabwata Baptist Church. Their pastor, Conrad Mbewe, was preaching elsewhere. Joel preached on how the Lord matures our faith. The theme of Jesus working through hardships to mature our faith always moves people, for suffering is part of the human condition, in some parts of the world more than others. Praise God, He works all things for good if we are His children!
On Monday we headed for home, arriving about thirty hours later in Grand Rapids, grateful for the Lord’s provision throughout our journey and for the great work He is doing in Zambia. We are also thankful for being reunited with family—our own, the church family, and the seminary family.